On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 2:00 PM, Christian Mauduit
<address@hidden> wrote:
Try (with the snapshot) :
./configure --disable-mod-http
make clean && make && make install
On Tue, January 12, 2010 12:25 pm, Manuel Levi wrote:
> Hey,
> ./configure executed with no problem.
> So did make and make install.
> When I try to run it another error occurs:
> """
> liquidwar6: v20100112snapshot "Attila" #1651 (Jan 12 2010) linux-gnu/i686
> liquidwar6: running
> "/usr/local/share/liquidwar6-20100112snapshot/script/liquidwar6.scm"
> liquidwar6: loaded module
> "/usr/local/lib/liquidwar6-20100112snapshot/gfx/libmod_gl-20100112snapshot.so"
> liquidwar6: couldn't find backend cli/http in
> /usr/local/lib/liquidwar6-20100112snapshot/cli/libmod_http-20100112snapshot.so
> liquidwar6: WARNING! trying to free NULL dl_handle
> Segmentation fault
> """
> The configure didn't gave me any warnings, at least that I've seen. Maybe
> I
> installed libraries I needed after I compiled the previous time.
> So this time it compiled correctly, I think, but it still doesn't run.
> Thanks for answering the other mail so quickly.