2011/12/17 Christian Mauduit
Without any hesitation, I'd go for the fanfic option. Do we need to
change any reference to "cyan" into "turquoise"?
We could also just call it Sir. Cyan. But lets look at it after I have actually started designing the characters.
Also, we could either use the name 'purple' or 'violet':
PURPLE: Named after a sea snail. Defines the area of non-spectral colors between violet and red.
VIOLET: Named after a flower. A more specific color than purple. (it is pretty much the one used in the game)
(it won't do much difference - to most people, the words means the same)
If we keep the names used in the fanfic, we still need titles for some colors:
* Magenta
* Pink
* Light Blue
* Blue
Possible titles:
* Lord / Lady
* Brother / Sister
* Baroness
* King / Queen
* Prince / Princess
* Grandmaster
* Mistress
* Duke
* Sultan
* Caliph
* Marquis
* Knight
* Earl
* Doctor
This leads to the question: Should LW6 have girl characters? Oh boy, that's a big one!
Nobody will notice if we have male characters only. I have never even noticed the lack of females in the fanfic, or in Tintin. I think a 'males only' universe makes the characters sex something that just isn't relevant, since there is no females to give it contrast. A bit like the way we read phrases like "history of man" and automatically interprets it to "human" or when we talk about genetic "guys" when we mean "persons".
On the other hand, I'm not totally sure I like that "boys' club theme".
- Kasper