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unwanted prerequisities

From: Krzysztof Horecki
Subject: unwanted prerequisities
Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2001 09:05:27 +0200


>   kh> One thing could be this:
>   kh>        Found an implicit rule for `../pl/pl_binder_man_LINUX_g.o'.
>   kh>          Considering target file `../pl/pl_binder_man.c'.
>   kh>           Looking for an implicit rule for `../pl/pl_binder_man.c'.
>   >>> Trying pattern rule with stem `pl_binder_man'.
>   >>> Trying implicit prerequisite `../pl/pl_binder_man.w'.
>   >>> Trying pattern rule with stem `pl_binder_man'.
>   >>> Trying implicit prerequisite `../pl/pl_binder_man.w'.
>   >>> Looking for a rule with intermediate file `../pl/pl_binder_man.w'.
>   >>> Avoiding implicit rule recursion.
>   kh> how can I get rid of it?
> It's very hard to know without seeing all your pattern rules.
>   kh> % :: %.w  ...doesn't help
> No, it wouldn't: the above happens because make is trying to see if it
> can build a file ../pl/pl_binder_man.c.  The above only means that make
> won't try to build the .w from anything else, and won't match unless the
> %.w file exists.

Yeah, that's exactly what I don't want to happen. I don't want make to
"try implicit prequsite 'blabla.w'". I don't have any .w files so I
don't want make to try to  rebuild .c's from .w's.

I wonder why I can't do it by:  

% :: %.w 

yet (after Jens' suggestion)  I got rid of RCS, SCCS stuff in similar

% :: %,v
% :: RCS/%,v
% :: RCS/%
% :: s.%
% :: SCCS/s.%

> That's why I say it's impossible to give much advice without seeing all
> your implicit rules (I don't need to see the contents of the command
> scripts, just which patterns are defined and how.

Here are my patterns & implicit rules

%_xdr.c: %.x

%_$(OBJ_CODE).o: %.c



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