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RE: GNU make help on patsubst

From: Li, Jerry
Subject: RE: GNU make help on patsubst
Date: Tue, 7 Aug 2001 14:28:42 -0400

Hi, Chad:

Thanks for your info, however, we do not use any unix-style on the
developer's systems. The makefile system I am developing is used by all
developers. Is it possible to do it only using function from GNU make?

thanks again,


-----Original Message-----
From: Chad Loder [mailto:address@hidden
Sent: Monday, August 06, 2001 5:18 PM
To: Li, Jerry
Cc: address@hidden
Subject: Re: GNU make help on patsubst

If you're using Cygwin, you might try something
like the this (it's worked well for me):

# or whatever uname -s gives you on your system
ifeq ("$(shell uname -s)","CYGWIN_NT-5.0")
    nativepath = $(foreach x,$(1),'$(shell cygpath -wa $(x))')
    nativepath = $(foreach x,$(1),$(x))

And then you can use $(call nativepath,$@) and similar
things in your commands.

         Chad Loder

At Monday 8/6/2001 07:31 PM -0400, you wrote:
>Hi, there:
>Is there any way to replace / with \ in D:/myWorkingDir/src/test on Windows
>I have tried $(patsubst /,\, D:/myWorkingDir/src/test), but it does not
>We are using GNU make 3.79.1 on Windows NT with SP 6.
>Your help is highly appreciated.
>Help-make mailing list

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