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Multiple target-dependent variable assignments

From: Nestor Amaya
Subject: Multiple target-dependent variable assignments
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2001 12:23:36 -0400

I may have found a bug with GNU make 3.79.1, but I thought I would run it by
you guys first. I am using "+=" assignments to the same variable in multiple
target-dependant cases:

#==================== makefile  ==============================
A = a

nc_gates : A = b $A
nc_gates : A = c $A
nc_gates : A = d $A

nc_gates :
        @echo $A

make results in the following output:
% make
d a

Of course, I expect something more like "b c d a", but the order doesn't
matter to me. Isn't this a bug?



Nestor A. Amaya                     Catena Networks
I.C. Development                    307 Legget Drive
                                    Kanata, ON
voice 1: (613) 599-6430 x8255       K2K 3C8
voice 2: (613) 599-4166
    fax: (613) 599-0445

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