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Re: Advanced Auto-Dependency Generation. A slight improvement.

From: Greg Chicares
Subject: Re: Advanced Auto-Dependency Generation. A slight improvement.
Date: Wed, 01 Feb 2006 04:01:13 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.2 (Windows/20050317)

On 2006-2-1 0:07 UTC, Nick Patavalis wrote:
> There is, though, a minor glitch. With the proposed implementation, if
> a dependency file somehow gets deleted while the corresponding object
> file remains standing, in this case, dependency tracking *silently
> stops working*. [...]
> Luckily there seems to be a simple solution:
> - Make the object files depend on the corresponding dependency files
> - Provide rules with empty command-sets targeting the dependency
>   files.

A similar idea is presented here:
and you might be interested in the ensuing discussion.

> P.S. A couple of hours ago, I tried to post the same message using
>      GMANE ( It seems that I have failed since
>      the message disappeared without a trace.

Here's how this list filters spam:
I know of one gateway like gmane that claims their own filtering
is effective, but I asked them to inhibit posting to the particular
savannah mailing list I maintain, lest countermeasures to their
filtering evolve.

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