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Traversal Makefile?

From: Ken Klein
Subject: Traversal Makefile?
Date: Sat, 4 Feb 2006 13:42:36 -0800 (PST)

Hi.  I'm new to makefiles.  I'm trying to write one
to do this: 

1.  Starting at a Top Directory, I want to traverse
all subdirectories that are called UnitTest and
execute the makefile in each one.  This will cause g++
to run and create .o files in those subdirectories (I
already have the makefiles to run from each

2. Do a link using all the .o files in the same
traversal of subdirectories plus a file called
testsute.o in the Top Directory (testsuite.o has the
main( ) in it). 

Any suggestions/samples/resources to recommend?  Note
that I'll be running this on unix.

Thanks for any input! 


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