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Re: "No targets" message with pattern rule

From: Nick Patavalis
Subject: Re: "No targets" message with pattern rule
Date: Mon, 6 Feb 2006 00:44:09 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.9i

On Sun, Feb 05, 2006 at 11:14:47PM +0100, August Karlstrom wrote:
> OK I see. So what should I add to the makefile to tell make to create a 
> .suffix2 file for each .suffix1 file? I have tried the following but it 
> doesn't seem to work:
> .PHONY: main
> main: $(wildcard *.suffix2)

I guess it is obvious why it doesn't work. The wildcard function
expands to a list of all the files ending in ".suffix2" present in the
current directory. Since no such files are present, it expands to an
empty string. In effect the lines above is as if you were writing:

  .PHONY: main

What you described in your text, though, is correct: You need to make
a ".suffix2" file for every corresponding ".suffix1" file present in
the current directory. A possible solution is this:

  .PHONY: main
  main: $(patsubst %.suffix1,%.suffix2,$(wildcard *.suffix1))

Or, written in a more readable, though essentially identical, manner:

  s1list := $(wildcard *.suffix1)
  s2list := $(s1list:.suffix1=.suffix2)

  .PHONY: main
  main: $(s2list)


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