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RE: What is wrong ?

From: Paul D. Smith
Subject: RE: What is wrong ?
Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2006 13:19:35 -0400

%% "PATTON, BILLY \(SBCSI\)" <address@hidden> writes:

  >> 1 = refresh
  >> 2 = proj
  >> 3 = bb
  >> sep = +

  pb> When I do a $(call refresh_proj_bb,refresh,$(proj),$(bb))

What about sep?

  >> That means you're taking the result of $(call
  >> uc,$(1))$(sep)$(2)$(sep)$(3) which is 'REFRESH+proj+bb', and using
  >> it as the name of a variable and dereferencing it.

  pb> That is exactly what I'm trying to do.  And I have manually
  pb> verified that that variable does exist.

Unfortunately, you didn't say that's what you wanted to do.

If you use the $(warning ...) without the extra reference does it
actually print the right variable name?

Please provide an actual, working example (as simple as possible) that
shows the problem.

 Paul D. Smith <address@hidden>          Find some GNU make tips at:            
 "Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional." --Mad Scientist

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