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Re: jgc's rules for asking questions (was Re: too simple of a problem)

From: Paul D. Smith
Subject: Re: jgc's rules for asking questions (was Re: too simple of a problem)
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 12:33:43 -0400

%% David Boyce <address@hidden> writes:

  >> If I might be so bold as to complement Paul Rules for Makefiles with 
  >> jgc's rules for asking questions:

You forgot:

 0. Always provide the version of GNU make you're using and the type and
    version of your operating system.  Don't assume that, just because
    you asked a different question yesterday and included this info
    there, we will remember it today.

  >> 1. Describe clearly the desired outcome
  >> 2. Describe clearly the effect you are observing
  >> 3. Make sure that #1 != #2
  >> 4. Provide the smallest possible example that illustrates the 
  >> divergence between #1 and #2.

  db> 5. Do not retype, remember, or reimagine the actual outcome. Cut and 
  db> paste the relevant parts.

%% "PATTON, BILLY \(SBCSI\)" <address@hidden> writes:

  pb> Unless your crappy windoze mail tool truncates lines

Corollary to Rule #5:
    If you're going to be asking for help on technical subjects, for the
    Deity's sake *get a decent email client first*!

    :-p :-)

If you really want to know how to ask good questions you can also read
ESR's "How To Ask Questions The Smart Way":

Also, "How to Report Bugs Effectively" is a decent read:

 Paul D. Smith <address@hidden>          Find some GNU make tips at:            
 "Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional." --Mad Scientist

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