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Re: GNU Make 3.80 on Cygwin expanding variables improperly?

From: John Graham-Cumming
Subject: Re: GNU Make 3.80 on Cygwin expanding variables improperly?
Date: Mon, 22 May 2006 19:57:38 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.6) Gecko/20040208 Thunderbird/0.5 Mnenhy/


Well diffing your correct.txt and incorrect.txt from the previous email you get these differences:

$ diff incorrect.txt correct.txt
< ./lec/img/shell01/pipes.png
< ./lec/img/shell01/redirection.png
< ./lec/img/shell01/shell_no_export.png
< ./lec/img/shell01/shell_with_export.png
> ./lec/img/shell01/directory_tree.png
> ./lec/img/shell01/operating_system.png
> ./lec/img/shell01/parent_directory.png
> ./lec/img/shell01/running_program.png
> ./lec/img/shell01/shell_screenshot.png
< ./lec/img/py02/binary_search.png
< ./lec/img/py02/dict_as_table.png
< ./lec/img/py02/hashing.png
< ./lec/img/py02/invert_dict.png
< ./lec/img/py02/list_vs_set.png
< ./lec/img/py02/logarithmic.png
< ./lec/img/py02/misplaced_values.png
< ./lec/img/py03/binary_search.png
< ./lec/img/py03/dict_as_table.png
< ./lec/img/py03/hashing.png
< ./lec/img/py03/invert_dict.png
< ./lec/img/py03/list_vs_set.png
< ./lec/img/py03/logarithmic.png
< ./lec/img/py03/misplaced_values.png
> ./lec/img/py02/aliasing.png
> ./lec/img/py02/indices.png
> ./lec/img/py02/line_segment.png
> ./lec/img/py02/negative_indices.png
> ./lec/img/py02/slice_copy.png
> ./lec/img/py03/call_stack.png
> ./lec/img/py03/function_objects.png
> ./lec/img/py03/parameter_passing.png
> ./lec/img/py03/passing_slices.png
< ./lec/img/oop01/factory_type_family.png
> ./lec/img/oop01/classes_and_objects.png
> ./lec/img/oop01/crc.png
> ./lec/img/oop01/inheritance.png
> ./lec/img/oop01/simple_point.png

Now looking at the critical definitions you have:

        intro \
        shell01 \
        shell02 \
        version \
        build \
        py01 \
        py02 \
        py03 \
        style \
        qa \
        py04 \
        debugging \
        oop01 \
        oop02 \
        unit \
        re \
        binary \
        xml \
        db \
        spreadsheets \
        integrate \
        client \
        server \
        security \
        dev01 \
        dev02 \
        summary \
        ack \
        bib \
        glossary \
        extlinks \
        figurelist \
        tablelist \

SITES = # nothing

GFX_SUFFIX := gif jpg png
GFX_SRC := \
        $(foreach fmt,$(GFX_SUFFIX),\
          $(wildcard ./img/*.${fmt}) \
          $(foreach lecdir,${LECTURES}, \
            $(wildcard ./lec/img/${lecdir}/*.${fmt}) \
          ) \
          $(foreach sitedir,${SITES}, \
            $(wildcard ./sites/${sitedir}/img/*.${fmt}) \
          ) \

There's nothing there that looks to me like it's platform specific so I would expect this to work correctly on both operating systems without a problem (BTW it would have been *really* nice if you'd narrowed this question down to those relevant lines before posting your question :-).

I know this is going to sound dumb, but do you actually have the same files in those directories on all the machines. (Counting symlinks as well).


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