I am running on Fedora Core 6 which has gnu make version 3.81. I am trying to install the ncbi tools for blast but it has known problems with make 3.81. Though, the ncbi tools has no problems with make version 3.80.
I have downloaded the make 3.80 rpm but i cant install it cause its an older version.
address@hidden Desktop]# rpm -ivh make-3.80-7.i386.rpm
Preparing... ########################################### [100%]
package make-3.81-1.1 (which is newer than make-3.80-7) is already installed
file /usr/bin/make from install of make-3.80-7 conflicts with file from package make-3.81-1.1
file /usr/share/info/make.info-1.gz from install of make-3.80-7 conflicts with file from
package make-3.81-1.1
file /usr/share/info/make.info-2.gz from install of make-3.80-7 conflicts with file from
package make-3.81-1.1
file /usr/share/info/make.info.gz from install of make-3.80-7 conflicts with file from package make-3.81-1.1
file /usr/share/man/man1/make.1.gz from install of make-3.80-7 conflicts with file from
package make-3.81-1.1
I cant uninstall the 3.81 version too.
address@hidden Desktop]# rpm -e make-3.81-1.1
error: Failed dependencies:
make is needed by (installed) nss_db-2.2-35.1.i386
make is needed by (installed) systemtap-0.5.9-1.fc6.i386
make is needed by (installed) systemtap-0.5.10-1.fc6.i386
/usr/bin/make is needed by (installed) redhat-lsb-3.1-11.i386
Please advise me on how should i downgrade my make version from 3.81 to 3.80.
Please advise