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Re: Trigger missing dependencies by changing order of execution?

From: Mason
Subject: Re: Trigger missing dependencies by changing order of execution?
Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2012 16:51:53 +0100
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Tim Landscheidt wrote:

> | a.out:
> |     sleep 3
> |     touch a.out a1
> |
> | b.out:
> |     cat a1 > b.out
> |
> | c.out: a.out b.out
> |     cat a.out b.out > c.out

It seems you're lying to the system.
(And, as always, this means it WILL get its revenge.)

The first recipe doesn't just create a.out, it also creates a1.
The second recipe depends on a1.

a.out a1:
        sleep 3
        touch a.out a1

b.out: a1
        cat a1 > b.out

c.out: a.out b.out
        cat a.out b.out > c.out

Or am I missing something?


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