From: | Chris Allegretta |
Subject: | Re: [Help-nano] Simoultaneous File Access Control |
Date: | Tue, 1 Jan 2013 18:32:01 -0500 |
Dear developers,
we're a softwarehouse interested in starting to use Nano-Editor.
We would like to work with it but we can't because of the need explained below.
Every day many programmers modify source code files shared on a Samba Server. They edit files through ViM-Editor running on the server.
Often happens that two or more users try to modify simoultaneously the same file because they don't know who is accessing it and when.
If someone tries to access a file that is already opened by someone else, ViM-Editor shows him an alert and allows to choose what to do: ignore and open, open in only read mode, abort.
Nano doesn't show any warning message, allowing more users to open, modify and save the same file.
This is incompatible with our needs, because it is very dangerous for us. In fact we can't risk that many programmers modify the same source code at the same moment witohut any file access control.
So, are there any settings or additional packages to make Nano recognize already opened files and then block, limit or abort the access?
Thank You
Best Regards
Andrea Maloni
C.S.S. srl
Via Galilei 61/69
48100 Ravenna
Tel. +39-544-408509
Fax +39-544-408512
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