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Problem with paste, zap (related) question

From: Donny
Subject: Problem with paste, zap (related) question
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2023 13:00:52 -0700

I'll ask my zap (related) question first so it doesn't get lost in all the key binding stuff below...

I really like "set zap" - the behavior is closer to what I'm used to. Unfortunately, what I really AM used to is selecting text then typing over it. That's the way I edit text and have for decades; I can't seem to break myself of it. That doesn't work in nano - the selected text doesn't go away. Is there a setting I'm missing/not understanding that could enable that behavior? 

Key Bindings Issue

I don't know what I did (some change I made to nanorc) but I can no longer copy a line then paste it. It pastes whatever is on the (main/system?) clipboard and I can't seem to fix it. 

I've pasted my key bindings below. As you can see, I bound ^V to "all" and unbound "^U from "all". I originally had ^V bound to "Paste all" - I think that's where the problem started. If I try to change the binding to "all" or "paste", the line turns red and I get a message: [ Mistakes in 'etc/nanorc' ] 

The weird part of this is that I think this works fine (as configured) on my machines and servers at home. Could this be a weird quirk of WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) on my (W11) work machine?

Key Bindings:
bind ^X cut main
bind ^C copy main
bind ^V all
bind ^Q exit all
bind ^S savefile main
bind ^W writeout main
bind ^O insert main
set multibuffer
#bind ^H help all
#bind ^H exit help
bind ^F whereis all
bind ^G findnext all
bind ^B wherewas all
bind ^E findprevious all
bind ^R replace main
bind ^Z undo main
bind ^Y redo main
unbind ^K main
unbind ^U all
unbind ^N main
unbind ^Y all
unbind M-J main
unbind M-T main
bind ^A mark main
bind ^P location main
bind ^L gotoline main
#bind ^T gotodir browser
#bind ^T cutrestoffile execute
#bind ^L linter execute
#bind ^E execute main

Other changes I made (skipping all the commented lines to reduce bloat) - in case the problem is there somewhere:
set afterends
set atblanks
set autoindent
set mouse
set smarthome
set softwrap
set stateflags
set zap

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