On 26-Sep-2005, J LOVE wrote:
| This topic is about the interpreter, but since I don't know
| exactly what causes the slow down I've noticed, I thought I
| pass along.
| Here are two SuSE Linux machines with 2.6.5-7.193-smp kernel:
| AMD MP2600+ with AMD 760 chipset, Octave 2.1.40, walltime ~5.0 hrs
| AMD MP2800+ with AMD 760 chipset, Octave 2.1.50, walltime ~10.0 hrs
| I don't have CPU time but the machines were unloaded otherwise and
| putting the 2.1.40 binary onto the faster AMD 2800 resulted in a
| halving the time to completion. The problem was a near-field
| acoustic calculation.
| Turns out the 2.1.40 executable was compiled on a 2.4 kernel with
| gcc 3.2. The 2.1.50 was compiled with the 2.6 kernel with gcc 3.3.3.
| I can't compare apples to apples since the 2.1.40 sources will not
| compile under the stricter gcc 3.3.3 compiler but the time to
| completion is significant. But is does answer the question of
| why I am knowing not updating to the latest. It probably has
| more to do with the underlying compiler, but that doesn't change
| that it exists and is significant.
You could always try installing the latest version and see how it
performs. It might do better. If not, you could report the problem.
Then at least we would have some data to work with rather than just
some fear of the unknown.
A LOT of bugs have been fixed since 2.1.40. That is almost three
years old now and, like most of the 2.1.x verions, was just a
development snapshot anyway. If three years is not long enough, when
might you be willing to consider trying a newer version?