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netcdf_open mode

From: xuelei feng
Subject: netcdf_open mode
Date: Thu, 1 Feb 2024 08:32:11 -0700

Dear Sir/Madam,

This is Xuelei Feng. I am to add a new dimension to an existing NetCDF file. I used netcdf_open(filename,'NC_WRITE') to open the file, and then used netcdf_defDim(ncid, 'my_dim', 50). to define a new dimension. However, an error "NetCDF: Operation not allowed in data mode" arose when I ran the commands. I think that is because I didn't use the correct mode. I used the "help" command to search. It doesn't show the mode options. What mode should I use for this case? And how can I find the mode options?

Thanks in advance,

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