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[Help-smalltalk] [PATCH TwistedPools 2/n] implement TwistedPools in Beha
From: |
Paolo Bonzini |
Subject: |
[Help-smalltalk] [PATCH TwistedPools 2/n] implement TwistedPools in Behavior |
Date: |
Wed, 16 Apr 2008 10:01:29 +0200 |
2008-04-16 Paolo Bonzini <address@hidden>
* kernel/Behavior.st: Add #allSharedPoolDictionariesDo:
and #allSharedPoolDictionaries, use it in #allSharedPools.
* kernel/Class.st: Implement TwistedPools in
* kernel/Metaclass.st: Implement #allSharedPoolDictionariesDo:.
* kernel/DeferBinding.st: Rely on #allSharedPoolDictionariesDo:.
kernel/Behavior.st | 29 ++++++++++++++++++----
kernel/Class.st | 60 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
kernel/DeferBinding.st | 11 ++------
kernel/Metaclass.st | 8 ++++++
4 files changed, 94 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
diff --git a/kernel/Behavior.st b/kernel/Behavior.st
index cab6cd7..0e703e0 100644
--- a/kernel/Behavior.st
+++ b/kernel/Behavior.st
@@ -730,17 +730,34 @@ method dictionary, and iterating over the class
^self superclass isNil ifTrue: [#()] ifFalse: [self superclass
+ allSharedPoolDictionariesDo: aBlock [
+ "Answer the shared pools visible from methods in the metaclass,
+ in the correct search order."
+ self superclass allSharedPoolDictionariesDo: aBlock
+ ]
+ allSharedPoolDictionaries [
+ "Return the shared pools defined by the class and any of
+ its superclasses, in the correct search order."
+ <category: 'accessing instances and variables'>
+ | result |
+ result := OrderedCollection new.
+ self allSharedPoolDictionariesDo: [:each | result add: each].
+ ^result
+ ]
allSharedPools [
"Return the names of the shared pools defined by the class and any of
- its superclasses"
+ its superclasses, in the correct search order."
<category: 'accessing instances and variables'>
| result |
- result := self sharedPools asSet.
- self environment
- withAllSuperspacesDo: [:each | result add: each name asSymbol].
- self allSuperclassesDo: [:each | result addAll: each sharedPools].
- ^result asArray
+ result := OrderedCollection new.
+ self allSharedPoolDictionariesDo: [:each |
+ result add: (each nameIn: self environment)].
+ ^result
subclasses [
diff --git a/kernel/Class.st b/kernel/Class.st
index 785f973..f78ee7e 100644
--- a/kernel/Class.st
+++ b/kernel/Class.st
@@ -616,6 +616,66 @@ the class category.'>
^sharedPools ifNil: [#()]
+ allSharedPoolDictionariesDo: aBlock [
+ "Answer the shared pools visible from methods in the metaclass,
+ in the correct search order."
+ | superclassSpaces |
+ "Collect those spaces that have to be skipped in the search."
+ superclassSpaces := Bag new.
+ self withAllSuperclassesDo: [:behavior |
+ behavior environment withAllSuperspacesDo: [ :each |
+ superclassSpaces add: each ]].
+ self withAllSuperclassesDo: [:behavior || classSpaces |
+ aBlock value: behavior classPool.
+ "Extract the spaces of this class from superclassSpaces into
+ classSpaces..."
+ classSpaces := IdentitySet new.
+ behavior environment withAllSuperspacesDo: [ :each |
+ classSpaces add: each.
+ superclassSpaces remove: each ].
+ "... and visit them."
+ self
+ allLocalSharedPoolDictionariesExcept: classSpaces
+ do: aBlock.
+ "Now proceed with the `natural' (non-imported spaces)."
+ behavior environment withAllSuperspacesDo: [:each |
+ (superclassSpaces includes: each)
+ ifFalse: [ aBlock value: each ]]]
+ ]
+ allLocalSharedPoolDictionariesExcept: white do: aBlock [
+ "Answer the result of combining the list of pools imported
+ into the receiver using a topological sort, preferring dependent
+ to prerequisite, and then left to right. Any pool that is
+ already in white will not be answered. white is modified."
+ <category: 'private'>
+ | grey order descend list |
+ list := self sharedPoolDictionaries.
+ list isEmpty ifTrue: [ ^self ].
+ grey := IdentitySet new: list size.
+ order := OrderedCollection new: list size.
+ descend := [:pool |
+ (white includes: pool) ifFalse:
+ [(grey includes: pool) ifTrue:
+ [^SystemExceptions.InvalidValue
+ signalOn: list
+ reason: 'includes circular dependency'].
+ "#allSuperspaces is not available on all pools"
+ grey add: pool.
+ pool allSuperspaces reverseDo: descend.
+ order addFirst: pool.
+ white add: pool]].
+ list reverseDo: descend.
+ order do: aBlock
+ ]
metaclassFor: classNameString [
"Create a Metaclass object for the given class name. The metaclass
is a subclass of the receiver's metaclass"
diff --git a/kernel/DeferBinding.st b/kernel/DeferBinding.st
index c4f03c0..160aa52 100644
--- a/kernel/DeferBinding.st
+++ b/kernel/DeferBinding.st
@@ -132,15 +132,10 @@ in the scope of a given class are used.'>
assoc isNil ifFalse: [^assoc].
"Look for the binding in the class environment."
- class withAllSuperclassesDo:
+ class allSharedPoolDictionariesDo:
[:env |
- | pools |
- assoc := env environment associationAt: self key ifAbsent:
- assoc isNil ifFalse: [^assoc].
- pools := env sharedPoolDictionaries.
- pools do: [:each |
- assoc := each associationAt: self key ifAbsent: [nil].
- assoc isNil ifFalse: [^assoc]]].
+ assoc := env hereAssociationAt: self key ifAbsent: [nil].
+ assoc isNil ifFalse: [^assoc]].
"Create it as a temporary."
defaultDictionary at: self key ifAbsentPut: [nil].
diff --git a/kernel/Metaclass.st b/kernel/Metaclass.st
index bb991e3..e480b32 100644
--- a/kernel/Metaclass.st
+++ b/kernel/Metaclass.st
@@ -77,6 +77,14 @@ it should be...the Smalltalk metaclass system is strange and
+ allSharedPoolsDo: aBlock [
+ "Answer the shared pools visible from methods in the metaclass,
+ in the correct search order."
+ <category: 'delegation'>
+ self asClass allSharedPoolsDo: aBlock
+ ]
category [
"Answer the class category"
- [Help-smalltalk] [feature] make TwistedPools the default pool search order, Stephen Compall, 2008/04/08
- Message not available
- Message not available
- [Help-smalltalk] Re: [feature] make TwistedPools the default pool search order, Paolo Bonzini, 2008/04/09
- Message not available
- [Help-smalltalk] Re: [feature] make TwistedPools the default pool search order, Stephen Compall, 2008/04/09
- Message not available
- [Help-smalltalk] Re: [feature] make TwistedPools the default pool search order, Paolo Bonzini, 2008/04/09
- Message not available
- [Help-smalltalk] Re: [feature] make TwistedPools the default pool search order, Paolo Bonzini, 2008/04/16
- [Help-smalltalk] [PATCH TwistedPools 1/n] add more namespace polymorphism methods to Dictionary, Paolo Bonzini, 2008/04/16
- [Help-smalltalk] [PATCH TwistedPools 2/n] implement TwistedPools in Behavior,
Paolo Bonzini <=
- [Help-smalltalk] [PATCH TwistedPools 3/n] class renaming, and changing TwistedPools to use the default pool resolution, Paolo Bonzini, 2008/04/16
- Message not available
- [Help-smalltalk] Re: [feature] make TwistedPools the default pool search order, Stephen Compall, 2008/04/21
- Message not available
- [Help-smalltalk] Re: [feature] make TwistedPools the default pool search order, Paolo Bonzini, 2008/04/21
- Message not available
- [Help-smalltalk] Re: [feature] make TwistedPools the default pool search order, Stephen Compall, 2008/04/22
- Message not available
- [Help-smalltalk] Re: [feature] make TwistedPools the default pool search order, Paolo Bonzini, 2008/04/22
- Message not available
- [Help-smalltalk] Re: [feature] make TwistedPools the default pool search order, Paolo Bonzini, 2008/04/24
- Message not available
- [Help-smalltalk] Re: [feature] make TwistedPools the default pool search order, Stephen Compall, 2008/04/24
- Message not available
- [Help-smalltalk] Re: [feature] make TwistedPools the default pool search order, Paolo Bonzini, 2008/04/25