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[Heroes] Re: is Heroes still under development ?

From: Alexandre Duret-Lutz
Subject: [Heroes] Re: is Heroes still under development ?
Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2003 22:22:51 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.1003 (Gnus v5.10.3) Emacs/21.3 (gnu/linux)

It has been almost one year since I last touched the heroes
code.  The CVS repository has a lot of changes since 0.21
(notably the preliminary support for plug-ins).  I think it
warrants a release, and I'd like to do (a last) one at least to
publish that new code.  However I've always postponed it because
I'm committing most of my time to Automake these days, and I'm
feeling more useful there.

>>> "Jerome" == Jerome Zago <address@hidden> writes:

 Jerome> I ask because I'd like to make minor changes to the
 Jerome> game (for instance, when the player enters his name for
 Jerome> the top 10, he should know for which rank ; the AI
 Jerome> shouldn't be "attracted" by someone dead). If my
 Jerome> changes make sense to you, will you merge them or will
 Jerome> I need to fork ?

Patches are always welcome (./HACKING has some guidelines, but I
presume you've already read that).

The SourceForge CVS tree you mentioned in another private mail
is obsolete.  I moved the project to savannah.gnu.org a while
ago; the latest version of the code is there.  (Only the web
pages remains on SourceForge.  They should move, definitely, but
I haven't gotten around to do this yet.)

Unfortunately savannah has been cracked recently and is now
running in degraded mode, allowing only anonymous read-only
access to CVS repositories.  Therefore I can't commit anything,
and neither can I grant CVS write access.  I hope it will be
fixed soon.

Anyway, I'm glad to learn that some people care about Heroes
more that I do :)

Alexandre Duret-Lutz

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