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[Ifile-discuss] iFile as help-desk front-end

From: Aleksandr Milewski
Subject: [Ifile-discuss] iFile as help-desk front-end
Date: Fri, 17 Oct 2003 13:10:19 -0700

I'm considering using ifile as a front-end for a helpdesk system, so ifile would sort inbound questions by subject.

It looks very promising, but I have a couple of questions.

1. What do the numbers reported by ifile -q really mean?
I believe that for this system, simply giving up and routing to a human would be better than guessing wrong, so I'd like to have a "unknown" bin that collects the stuff that isn't matched well by ifile. I was under the impression that the numbers reported were a "quality of match" metric, but in cases where nothing matches (feeding Jabberwocky to ifile when it's been trained on an OS X FAQ) returns 0 for all categories. Is this a special case, and if I get exactly zero, or some very negative number, I should assume the match is poor?

2. Does a tiered implementation make sense?
I may have hundreds of bins in this system, and it occurred to me that I could create a system with multiple instances of ifile doing a tiered filtering scheme. Something like training the first instance on Mac vs. Windows, and letting it filter into those two bins. Each of those gets fed into a second filter that classifies more specifically. Is there any advantage to this approach, or am I better off letting ifile sort things out over a large number of bins

Thanks in advance,
Aleksandr Milewski                                              N6MOD
address@hidden                           http://www.milewski.org/

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