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[igraph] cohesive blocks

From: Simone Gabbriellini
Subject: [igraph] cohesive blocks
Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2008 12:14:59 +0100


I am trying to use the cohesive blocks function. Everything works well, but I am experiencing some problem plotting the
results.. is it possible to plot a graph with the labels name?
I have:
> V(cosgarfa)$id
 [1] "Ghibli"       "Mis_CastGarf" "GS_Fosc"      "AssCarnev"
 [5] "Pluto"        "Avo"          "Avisvagli"    "CAI"
 [9] "AIDO"         "ACAT"         "Fortezza"     "Mis_PaS"
[13] "FIR"          "CoordCB"      "FratresGall"  "Mis_careg"
[17] "Antea"        "Mis_Gall"     "FratresVdS"   "FratresCG"
[21] "Mis_CG"       "FratresVagli" "Mis_Gorf"     "Mis_Minucc"
[25] "AuserMInucc"  "AuserGall"    "Mis_Vagli"    "Mis_Camp"
[29] "FratresCastG" "FratresPaS"   "FratresCasat" "FratresCareg"
[33] "FratresFosc"  "FratresBol"   "FratresSRoma" "FratresSil"
[37] "FratresRog"   "ProtcivMol"   "Autieri"      "RadioCB"
[41] "CRI"          "ARCI"         "ADAL"         "FiloArianna"
[45] "DISMA"        "CAV Pieve"    "Anpas"

but when I use:

plot.bgraph(cosgarfa, vertex.size=10, labels=V(cosgarfa)$id)    

it doesn't works, it doesn't plot the names as labels.

Second point: is it possible to underline in the plot the cut points of each block?

thank you,

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