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Re: [igraph] [R] Compilation error during package installation

From: Benjamin Leblanc
Subject: Re: [igraph] [R] Compilation error during package installation
Date: Mon, 24 Nov 2008 19:08:38 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20080724)

Hi Ricardo,
By default Ubuntu has gcc 4.2, so you shouldn't have gcc 3.4 compilation errors. You could have some missing libraries. How did you install R? And for igraph, did you try to launch R as root then use the following R command:


have you tried to

Gábor Csárdi a écrit :

igraph 0.5 is supposed to work fine with gcc 3.4. Are you sure that
this is the version you are using? Please check the g++ version as
well. If yes, then could you send me the full output of the

Btw. Ubuntu 8.10 does not have g++ 3.4 as far as I know...


On Sun, Nov 23, 2008 at 5:35 PM, Riccardo Tasso <address@hidden> wrote:
  I'm trying to make some social network analyis (in particular community
detection) on a negative (and positive) weighted network and I decided to
use R with igraph.
I discovered a recently pubblicated paper which describes the algorithm I
need (http://arxiv.org/abs/0811.2329) and the author sent me a modified
version of igraph 0.5 source code implementing it. He also sent me a
compiled version for windows.
The windows version works great but I'd like to use GNU/Linux Ubuntu 8.10,
so I tried to compile by myself the source code after installing the R
packages. Here starts my problem because, as I found at the discussion
https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2008-June/166052.html , the igraph 0.5
version have compile errors with the gcc 3.4 version which I'm using.
I red that version 0.5.1 doesn't have this problem but I need that special
0.5 version.
What do you suggest me to do considering I'm not very able in C/C++ coding?
Thank you,

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