igraph 0.5 is supposed to work fine with gcc 3.4. Are you sure that
this is the version you are using? Please check the g++ version as
well. If yes, then could you send me the full output of the
Btw. Ubuntu 8.10 does not have g++ 3.4 as far as I know...
On Sun, Nov 23, 2008 at 5:35 PM, Riccardo Tasso <address@hidden> wrote:
I'm trying to make some social network analyis (in particular community
detection) on a negative (and positive) weighted network and I decided to
use R with igraph.
I discovered a recently pubblicated paper which describes the algorithm I
need (http://arxiv.org/abs/0811.2329) and the author sent me a modified
version of igraph 0.5 source code implementing it. He also sent me a
compiled version for windows.
The windows version works great but I'd like to use GNU/Linux Ubuntu 8.10,
so I tried to compile by myself the source code after installing the R
packages. Here starts my problem because, as I found at the discussion
https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2008-June/166052.html , the igraph 0.5
version have compile errors with the gcc 3.4 version which I'm using.
I red that version 0.5.1 doesn't have this problem but I need that special
0.5 version.
What do you suggest me to do considering I'm not very able in C/C++ coding?
Thank you,
igraph-help mailing list