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Re: [igraph] closeness and average path length in terms of the harmonic

From: Bob Pap
Subject: Re: [igraph] closeness and average path length in terms of the harmonic distance between vertices
Date: Thu, 29 Nov 2012 17:22:56 +0100

instead of (1/sum(distances over i)) you do (sum(1/distances) over i minus the vertix of reference) (for which 1/d would be infinite).
Kind regards,

On 29 November 2012 16:11, Gábor Csárdi <address@hidden> wrote:
Hi Bob, 

What exactly is the harmonic distance between vertices? Sorry, I don't have Newman's book at hand....


On Tue, Nov 27, 2012 at 5:42 AM, Bob Pap <address@hidden> wrote:
Dear all,

closeness and average path length functions in igraph are not defined in terms of the harmonic distance between vertices (and no option exists in version 0.6). Any suggestion on how to implement within igraph this conceptually interesting and straight-forward modification (see for instance Newman's Network book on pages 184 and 185) would be very appreciated - essentially sums are slightly different and over vertices not including the reference one.

Kind regards,

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