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[igraph] problem about calculating closeness centrality

Subject: [igraph] problem about calculating closeness centrality
Date: Thu, 5 Feb 2015 22:16:23 +0800


The igraph vesion I was using is 6.5,and I have a problem about calculating closeness centrality.When I use the function like this
igraph_vector_t  v_closeness;
igraph_vector_init(&v_closeness, 0);
graph_closeness(&g, &v_closeness, igraph_vss_all(), IGRAPH_ALL, 0);
the result in v_closeness is zero.
The parameters' meaning are as follows:
&g means the graph data ;
&v_closeness is used to store the result;
the graph is undirected and unweighted;
I want to calculate all vertices in the graph.In this function I can't get the right result ,and I don't know why.Maybe I need your help.
Thank you very much!

Best Regrads!

Tian Li

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