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[igraph] degree correlation matrix that relies on (arbitrary) node value

From: Hermann Norpois
Subject: [igraph] degree correlation matrix that relies on (arbitrary) node values
Date: Wed, 7 Oct 2015 10:33:19 +0200


I want to generate a 'degree correlation matrix' according to node values y that do not rely on the degree of the nodes.
My toy example:

gg <- erdos.renyi.game (10,0.7)
V(gg)$y <- sample (5,10, replace=TRUE)

I started with ...
edges.gg <- get.edgelist (gg)
mat.y <- matrix (V(gg)$y[edges.gg[,1]], V(gg)$y[edges.gg[,2]], nrow=length (V(gg)$y[edges.gg[,1]]), ncol=2)

... to get the combinations of y values that exist in gg but I dont know how to measure the frequencies. And I did not find a tool in igraph to construct such a 'degree correlation matrix'.

Has anybody an idea?

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