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[igraph] igraph for Mathematica: IGraph/M 0.1.3 released!

From: Szabolcs Horvát
Subject: [igraph] igraph for Mathematica: IGraph/M 0.1.3 released!
Date: Mon, 19 Oct 2015 22:24:05 +0200

Dear igraph users,

I am writing to announce the release of IGraph/M 0.1.3, the igraph
interface for Mathematica.


This version brings better coverage of the igraph functionality, and a
lot of polish for existing functions.


 - Full coverage for community detection algorithms
 - Better integration of graph layout/visualization functions
 - Automorphism group for vertex coloured graphs; builtin multigraph isomorphism

So far development has been driven by my own needs.  IGraph/M focuses
primarily focuses on functionality not yet built into Mathematica, or
functions where independent verification of results is of significant
value.  Not all igraph functions are covered.  I am hoping that at
some point IGraph/M will become a community project, thus
contributions at all levels are welcome, from comments on
design/features, through improving the documentation, to adding new


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