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Re: [iiwusynth-devel] Patch for reverb control through commands

From: Peter Hanappe
Subject: Re: [iiwusynth-devel] Patch for reverb control through commands
Date: 06 Mar 2002 15:26:49 +0100

On Sun, 2002-02-24 at 15:35, M. Nentwig wrote:
> Hello,
> as discussed earlier, I implemented a bunch of commands for controlling
> the reverb unit. The patch is attached. It was generated with diff -r
> (orig. dir) (work dir). If there is a better way, please let me know.
> It also includes the two lines I used to make pan control work.

Okay, I inserted the patch but had to do it manually. I haven't that
much experience with patches (been developing on my own mostly). I think
if you use diff it's best to specify -u to have the unified format.

Josh, do you what the standard way to make patch files? cvs diff?


> I had so much fun playing around with 'instable' room sizes (size > 1).
> If you're doing horror movies, this is -your- effect. But keep the
> fingers close to Ctrl-C :-)
> With the current implementation (stereo dry signal gets mixed with
> stereo reverb signal, but reverb has only mono input), the 'dry' setting
> in the reverb is pretty useless. When hooking up a reverb box to a real
> mixer in this fashion, one would usually set the effect to '100 % wet'.
> My suggestion is to remove the 'dry' feature completely (no dry path in
> reverb).
> Speaking of it, the CPU load caused by the reverb seems to be rather
> small.
> Short summary about commands:
> rev_preset x: Chooses preset x from the built-in settings. 0<x<=4.
> rev_setroomsize num: Sets the roomsize parameter (careful with >1,
> limited to 1.2).
> rev_setdamp: Sets damping
> rev_setwidth: Sets width. Limited to 100, anything higher sounds too
> strange.
> rev_setwet: Wet gain of the reverb unit. (linear, 10 => 20 dB).
> rev_setdry: Dry gain.
> rev_setbypass: Disables the reverb unit entirely by turning it off in
> the synth. It doesn't consume any CPU cycles in the off state. Maybe
> 'bypass' is the wrong word here, 'disable' would be better.
> Regards
> Markus
> PS: The patch sets 0.3 reverb send level as default for all voices (last
> line in patch). As soon as controller 91 / reverb send is working, this
> is obsolete.
> diff -r iiwu_orig/iiwusynth/src/iiwu_cmd.c
> [cut]

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