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[Info-chinese] Dramatic stokc market movements analyzed by top experts C

From: Kari
Subject: [Info-chinese] Dramatic stokc market movements analyzed by top experts C G D C Never seen stuff
Date: Sun, 21 May 2006 10:59:17 -0100

Short-term stokc advice that multiplies income Top factors causing stokc 
booming and revenue increase 


H o t _S t 0 c k for attention.
We found company ready to EXPLODE!!
Put CGDC on your radar's now. This st0ck shows a significant up in stock price 
and sometimes in days, not months or years.
Watch CGDC like a hawk tomorrow!! The alert is on!! 

Symbol: C.G.D.C
Current Price: 0.50

A Company engaged in gold and minerals exploration and development of gold and 
mineral properties in China.

Why consider CHINA GOLD CORP (CGDC)? Seee n0wadays what happened.

• Rising gold prices are further accelerating this gold rush - The price of 
gold has up 250% over the past five years, and this is still only a quarter of 
when the price peaked 25 years ago. (Adjusted for inflation.)

• HUGE gold discovery in southwestern China - Resources have already been 
estimated by analysts at 14 million ounces...and the number keeps climbing.

• China is the world’s last great under-explored land-mass - Locked away in a 
Marxist time-warp with limited exploration technology, China’s rich virgin gold 
fields have been overlooked and ignored until recently.

• China is already the world’s 4th largest producer of gold — and will soon be 
the world’s #1 producer AND #1 consumer. The country is going gold-crazy!

• Foreign gold companies are now welcome - and the laws have been changed to 
provide full legal protection.

You can see China’s developing gold boom is building momentum. Rare 0pp0rtunity 
for early investors!!

CURRENT NEWS: China Gold Corp. Announces Shareholder Update

China Gold Corp. (CGDC - News) is a Nevada Corporation, engaged in gold and 
minerals exploration and development of gold and mineral properties in China. 
The company is pleased to announce has entered into negotiations with Zhong Cui 
Investments LTD. for the acquisition of Gold Mine property in the rural 
mountainous Guang Ning District near Zhao Qing City, Guangdong Province of 

China Gold Corp. is currently evaluating the Gold Mine property preliminary 
geological information and the property. If the company’s due diligence 
produces favorable results, management is expected to sign the letter of intent 
with Zhong Cui Investments LTD. in the next thirty (30) days. The Letter of 
Intent requires both parties to draft a definitive agreement and terms of any 
subsequent joint venture. Property description and all additional information 
will be available upon finalization of the agreement. The company will be made 
further announcements in this regard in coming weeks.


China Gold Corp. is a Nevada Corporation, engaged in gold and minerals 
exploration and development of gold and mineral properties in China. China Gold 
Corp. is dedicated to delivering growth to the shareholder by employing a 
disciplined business methodology through acquisitions and joint ventures. The 
Company seeks to acquire properties with the following development criteria: 
largely unexplored but highly prospective geological regions, ability to 
generate near-term revenue and cash flow, tremendous geological potential for 
world-class economic deposits.

The Example Above Show The Awesome, Earning Potential of Little Known Company 
That Explode Onto Investor's Radar Screens; Many of You Are Already Familiar 
with This. Is CGDC Poised and Positioned to Do that For You? Then You May Feel 
the Time Has Come to Act... And Please Watch this One Trade tomorrow! Go CGDC.
Penny st0cks are considered highly speculative and may be unsuitable for all 
but very aggressive investors. This Profile is not in any way affiliated with 
the featured company. This report is for entertainment and advertising purposes 
only and should not be used as investment advice. If you wish to stop future 
mailings, or if you feel you have been wrongfully placed in our membership, 
send a blank e mail with No Thanks in the sub ject to
  Go CGDC.
Beneficial cooperation based on expert stokc advice Market pulses announced and 
stokc booming analyzed Insider information that brings about tremendous profits 

Professional stokc advice that drives up the profits Efficient approach to 
investing from stokc professionals 

 Its a dogs life Be just before you are generous as delicate as a baby's eye 
lashes He who fights and runs away, lives to fight another day Catch not at the 
shadow and lose the substance Better die with honor than live with shame He who 
rides a tiger is afraid to dismount Absence makes the heart go wander. Who 
keeps company with the wolf will learn how to howl Life is just a bowl of 
cherries. Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy  Love many, 
trust few, but always paddle your own canoe Easy come, easy go It nah good to 
shove yuh foot in every stocking. Too much sit down ah bruck trousers. Greedy 
folks have long arms  The Mills of God Grind Slowly, Yet They Grind Exceedingly 
Small Better to be safe than sorry Saying is one thing; doing another  Many a 
true word is spoken in jest There but for the grace of God go I  Kill two birds 
with one stone It is foolish to deal with a fool Spare the rod and spoil the 
child After dinner rest a while, after supper walk a mile  Do not look where 
you fell, but where you slipped  God tempers the wind to the shorn lamb. No 
good carpenter does get good wuk bench. Be first at the feast, and last at the 
fight Fish and cast-net nah friend. There are none so blind as those that will 
not see Lightning never strikes twice in the same place. 

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