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[Info-chinese] Time to make it bigger!

From: Dong Andrew
Subject: [Info-chinese] Time to make it bigger!
Date: Thu, 14 Dec 2006 05:02:20 +0000

Hello man

You Love Big tits? But Girls love big sausage!
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white overalls. They turned out not to be cooks but doctors, standing beside
Praskovya Fyodorovna who instead of a soup-bowl was  holding a gauze-covered
white enamelled dish containing a hypodermic syringe.
    'What are you doing? '  said Nikanor  Ivanovich bitterly  as they gave
him an injection. ' I haven't any I tell you! Why doesn't Pushkin hand  over
his foreign currency? I haven't got any! '
    'No, of course you haven't,' said  kind Praskovya Fyodorovna, ' and no
one is going to take you to court, so you can forget it and relax.'
    After  Ms  injection  Nikanor  Ivanovich  calmed  down  and fell into a
dreamless sleep.

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