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"cvs checkout: move away foo; it is in the way"

From: kynn
Subject: "cvs checkout: move away foo; it is in the way"
Date: Sat, 5 Jun 2004 07:23:58 -0400 (EDT)

Sorry, I noticed a typo in the interaction transcript I posted in the
original message for this thread (see comments beginning with ###).
   Date: Fri, 4 Jun 2004 18:17:03 -0400 (EDT)
   From: <address@hidden>
   Subject: "cvs checkout: move away foo; it is in the way"
   To: address@hidden

   OK, here's an interaction that illustrates yet another bizarre (to me)
   CVS conundrum (summary: I import some files, create a branch, modify
   one file on this branch, commit it, delete the CVS directory, and

     % export CVSROOT=/home/jones/cvs_test
     % rm -rf $CVSROOT
     % cvs init
     % mkdir Foo
     % cd Foo
     % touch foo
     % cvs im -m '' Foo vendor_1 v1
     N Foo/foo

     No conflicts created by this import

     % cvs co -d . Foo
     cvs checkout: Updating .
     U foo
     % cvs ta -b branch_1
     cvs tag: Tagging .
     T foo
     % cvs co -d . -r branch_1 Foo
     cvs checkout: Updating .
     ### In my original post, the following line was given as
     ### % date
     ### missing the redirection part.
     % date >> foo
     % cvs ci -m '' foo
     Checking in foo;
     /home/jones/cvs_test/Foo/foo,v  <--  foo
     new revision:; previous revision:
     % rm -rf CVS
     % cvs im -m '' Foo vendor_2 v2
     U Foo/foo

     No conflicts created by this import

     % cvs co -d . -r vendor_2 Foo
     cvs checkout: Updating .
     cvs checkout: move away foo; it is in the way
     C foo

   Why am I getting the error message "cvs checkout: move away foo; it is
   in the way"?  Can anyone make any sense of this?



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