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Re: commit question

From: Hector Santos
Subject: Re: commit question
Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2008 13:57:38 -0500
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20070326)

Todd Denniston wrote:
Hector Santos wrote, On 11/17/2008 02:01 AM:
Dear Arthur,

Out of curiosity, what clue did  I provide that allows you to
erroneously presume that I was using CVSNT?
Granted I suppose you could be using Cygwin,
Serious?  The drive letter?  I don't see the association, but then 
again I don't use CVSNT nor cygwin.  I guess if it was u:\, a 
presumption of unix be made?
I'm new here, and its very clear there seems to be a chip on some 
people's shoulders here regarding CVSNT,  so I will make sure I prefix 
my future questions, with "Note Well: NOT USING CVSNT, CYGWIN, JUST 
CVS FOR WINDOWS", not that I see anyone else going thru the trouble.
Hector Santos, CTO

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