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Re: Sending attachments

From: Adam Sjøgren
Subject: Re: Sending attachments
Date: Mon, 05 Jul 2004 12:49:21 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.110003 (No Gnus v0.3) XEmacs/21.4 (Security Through Obscurity, linux)

On 05 Jul 2004 12:34:03 +0200, Albert wrote:

> how can I send attachments with Gnus? In the info index I only find
> entries related to handling messages with attachments that I
> receive.

I usually use C-c C-m f which runs mml-attach-file. Also there's an
"Attachments" menu.

(I'm not sure what version of Gnus those things were added though, but
I'm pretty sure they are in the latest stable release, 5.10.6)

  Best regards,

 "Spread your love like a fever                               Adam Sjøgren
  Don't you ever come down"                    

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