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Re: Sending delayed articles when getting new news

From: Raphaël Berbain
Subject: Re: Sending delayed articles when getting new news
Date: Wed, 04 Aug 2004 15:28:43 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.110003 (No Gnus v0.3) Emacs/21.3.50 (gnu/linux)

Paul Johnson <> writes:

> Apologies for another idiot question, but is there a way to make Gnus
> send any delayed articles scheduled to go out at or before the current
> time automatically when one presses g for new news?

If you mean basically automate 'J j' 'J S' 'g' 'J s' 'J j', then the
basic functions you should play with are 'gnus-agent-toggle-plugged',
'gnus-group-send-queue, 'gnus-group-get-new-news',
'gnus-agent-fetch-session'.  If you don't, then I didn't understand
what you meant by 'delayed articles scheduled...'.  My apologies !!

As an example, below is what I use - It does what you ask and some
more (I was lazy and didn't want to clean the code).  With this setup,
'd' gets mail & news, 'f' sends queue, 'g' gets only mail (since my
mail backend is unagentized, but nntp is) and 'h' first sends, then

;;;; ** mail demon

(defun rgb/gnus-demon-scan (function)
  (let ((win (current-window-configuration)))
            (when (gnus-alive-p)
                (set-buffer gnus-group-buffer)
                (funcall function)))))
      (set-window-configuration win))))

(defun rgb/gnus-demon-scan-mail ()
  (message "checking mail...")
  (rgb/gnus-demon-scan 'gnus-group-get-new-news)
  (message "checking mail... done. [%s]" (format-time-string "%r" 

(defun rgb/gnus-demon-mail-start ()
  (gnus-demon-add-handler    'rgb/gnus-demon-scan-mail 5 t))

(defun rgb/gnus-demon-mail-stop ()
  (gnus-demon-remove-handler 'rgb/gnus-demon-scan-mail))

(add-hook 'gnus-started-hook            'rgb/gnus-demon-mail-start)
(add-hook 'gnus-after-exiting-gnus-hook 'rgb/gnus-demon-mail-stop)

;;;; ** agent

;; (setq gnus-agent-synchronize-flags 'ask)
(setq gnus-agent-synchronize-flags t)

(defun rgb/gnus-demon-wrap (function)
  (funcall function)

(defun rgb/gnus-agent-wrap (function)
  (gnus-agent-toggle-plugged t)
  (funcall function)
  (gnus-agent-toggle-plugged nil))  

(defun rgb/gnus-agent-get-unplugged ()
   (lambda ()
     (message "checking mail...")
     (message "checking mail... done. [%s]" (format-time-string "%r" 

(defun rgb/gnus-agent-get ()
   (lambda ()
      (lambda ()

(defun rgb/gnus-agent-put ()
   (lambda ()
      (lambda ()

(defun rgb/gnus-agent-put-get ()
   (lambda ()
      (lambda ()

(keydef (gnus-group "d") rgb/gnus-agent-get)
(keydef (gnus-group "f") rgb/gnus-agent-put)
(keydef (gnus-group "g") rgb/gnus-agent-get-unplugged)
(keydef (gnus-group "h") rgb/gnus-agent-put-get)

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