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Re: Gnus after start....

From: Reiner Steib
Subject: Re: Gnus after start....
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 2004 11:13:22 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.1006 (Gnus v5.10.6) Emacs/21.3.50 (gnu/linux)

On Tue, Aug 24 2004, John Robot wrote:

> I have the same type of question, except I'd like Gnus to jump
> to the first group containing new mail, after I've typed `g'.
> Is there a gnus-after-group-get-new-news-hook, 

Quite close: gnus-after-getting-new-news-hook ...

,----[ M-x apropos-variable RET gnus.*get.*news.*hook RET ]
| gnus-after-getting-new-news-hook
|   Variable: *A hook run after Gnus checks for new news when Gnus is
|   already running.
| gnus-get-new-news-hook
|   Variable: A hook run just before Gnus checks for new news.
| gnus-get-top-new-news-hook
|   Variable: A hook run just before Gnus checks for new news globally.

> or something like that, to be able to do what I want (or a short key
> combination that would do it)?

See Michael's and my other postings in this thread on how to create a
function that can be put into that hook.

Bye, Reiner.
      (o o)
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