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Re: How to use Maildir for everything? How to duplicate behaviour of mut

From: Juhapekka Tolvanen
Subject: Re: How to use Maildir for everything? How to duplicate behaviour of mutt?
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2004 15:14:39 +0300
User-agent: Gnus/5.1006 (Gnus v5.10.6) Emacs/21.3 (gnu/linux)

Juhapekka Tolvanen <> writes:

> Juhapekka Tolvanen <> writes:

>> (Paul Jarc) writes:
>>> Juhapekka Tolvanen <> wrote:

>>>> [When I send my E-Mail, a copy of it is saved to
>>>> ~/ where YYYY is substituted with
>>>> number of year and YY is substituted with number of month (leading
>>>> zero included)]

> Hopefully somebody can fix it. Meanwhile I can use this not-so-elegant
> way:
> (setq mail-self-blind t)

Blah... It does not fscking work for me.

> It means it sends blind carbon copy of E-Mail to me. Then I must filter
> it to right sent-mail-YYYY-MM -folder with procmail.

This works: Just put Bcc: -header to posting styles:

(setq gnus-posting-styles
                (".*" ;;default
                 (name "Juhapekka Tolvanen")
         (signature-file "~/.signature")
         (organization "What?+ Me organized?+ Never!1")
        (message-news-p        ;; A function symbol: Usenet News
         (address "")
                 ("Reply-To" "")
                 ("Bcc" "juhtolv")
        (message-mail-p        ;; A function symbol: E-Mail
         (address "")
                 ("Reply-To" "")
                 ("Bcc" "juhtolv")

 * * *

Next "problem" is to convert my mutt-aliases to some format that Gnus
understands well. I think I'll convert them to BBDB. More about it here:

I also have GSM-phone and I can connect it to my computer with gnokii.

It seems there is some software that can convert data from BBDB to
gnokii. And then gnokii can upload them to my GSM-phone.

Juhapekka "naula" Tolvanen * http colon slash slash iki dot fi slash juhtolv
"halpojen hoitojen maailma uljas haluaa taistosi latistaa, mielesi
lipeävedellä valkaistuun ruotuunsa, joka on hautausmaa"                  CMX

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