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Re: Why can't I set organization?

From: Emre Sevinc
Subject: Re: Why can't I set organization?
Date: Thu, 04 Nov 2004 19:02:53 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.1006 (Gnus v5.10.6) Emacs/21.3 (gnu/linux)

Katsumi Yamaoka <> writes:

>>>>>> In <> Emre Sevinc wrote:
>> message-setup-hook's value is (t)
>> Local in buffer *posting on gnu.emacs.gnus*; global value is nil
> [...]
>> Does the above info give us a clue? It looks to be set to TRUE
>> but I was not able to see whet it does (if it does something).
> You seem to have done it correctly but it means the value of
> `gnus-posting-styles' was completely ignored.  You will also
> need to check the value of `gnus-posting-styles' (you can type
> `C-h v' in any Emacs buffer).
> Otherwise, you can set it explicitly for a trial.  To do that,
> put the following Lisp form for example in the *scratch* buffer
> and type the `C-j' key at the end of the line.
> (setq gnus-posting-styles '((".*" (organization "Istanbul Bilgi 
> University"))))
> Isn't the Organization header inserted by this?

Strange, it is inserted!

>> else other than writing it in my ~/.gnus by 
>> writing (setq gnus-posting-styles ... ) file?
> Codes other than the code for setting `gnus-posting-styles' in
> the ~/.gnus file may have caused an error.  Did you see such a
> message?  It may also be found in the *Messages* buffer as
> follows:

I couldn't find any errors. Funny thing is that I've really cut down
the conf file to the most basic. I made it:

(setq gnus-posting-styles '((".*" (organization "Istanbul Bilgi University"))))

And what happens? It looks like my gnus system simply
doesn't take it into account, because it simply
doesn't print the organization header this way, and C-h v gnus-posting-styles
seems to be nil, however if I copy and paste the above code 
to the *scratch* buffer and run it (as you advised) it works! 

> Error in ~/.gnus: ***
> I suspect the `(gnus-compile)' line in your .gnus file.

As you see I've removed all the usual suspects. My recent
~/.gnus just includes a single line of correct Lisp code
and nothing else so the problem must be that gnus simply
don't care for my ~/.gnus. 

How can make make gnus read the conf file? (I've checked
the file permissions: -rw-r--r--)

Another strange thing is that, up until now I thought gnus
system was reading my ~/.signature file because I've specified
the location and name of the file in my gnus-posting-styles,
I deleted that part and it still knows where to find my signature
file this persuades me %99 that it simply ignores ~/.gnus conf
file. How can I solve this problem? Seems really weird to me...

>> I'm sorry for bothering so much but I'm simply confused
>> and don't understand why organization field doesn't come up
>> and I still cannot debug it.
> Please never mind.

Thanks indeed, I appreciate your voluntary help
and spending time on this minor issue. :)

Emre Sevinc

eMBA Software Developer         Actively engaged in: 
Cognitive Science Student

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