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prohibiting Gnus from striping `(...)' in summary buffer

From: Patrick Drechsler
Subject: prohibiting Gnus from striping `(...)' in summary buffer
Date: Sat, 06 Nov 2004 20:32:20 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.110003 (No Gnus v0.3) Emacs/21.3.50 (gnu/linux)


is there a way to refrain Gnus from deleting `(...)' in the
summary buffer for certain groups only? 

Normally this indicates a change of subject so striping that part
is OK. But some of my lists include the date of the message (or
other relevant information) in the subject as in:

:O ( 5)+>  [BIOMCH-L] Literature Update (Oct 7, 2004)                 [  8k | 
Young-Hui Chang       |Okt 07 
:O (  )+  ╰─►                                                         <  8k | 
Young-Hui Chang       |Okt 14 
:O (  )+    ╰─►                                                       <  6k | 
Young-Hui Chang       |Okt 21 
:O (  )+      ╰─►                                                     < 13k | 
Young-Hui Chang       |Okt 28 
:! (  )+        ╰─►                                                   < 10k | 
Young-Hui Chang       |Don 18:53 

I couldn't find anything in the manual -- probably using the
wrong keywords for searching...

Thankful for any pointers

Birds fly, men drink.
      motto of the "Man Will Never Fly Society"

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