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Re: using spam.el

From: Ted Zlatanov
Subject: Re: using spam.el
Date: Tue, 08 Feb 2005 14:11:53 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.110003 (No Gnus v0.3) Emacs/21.3.50 (gnu/linux)

On Sun, 30 Jan 2005, wrote:

> I am having the dickens of a time understanding how to use spam.el with
> bogofilter.  So far I have the following in my custom.el and .gnus:
> (setq nnmail-split-methods 'nnmail-split-fancy
>       nnmail-split-fancy 
>       '(|
>       (: spam-split)
>         ....))
> in my .gnus and:
> (require 'spam)
> (spam-initialize)
> (require 'gnus-registry)
> (gnus-registry-initialize)
> (setq spam-log-to-registry t)
> (setq spam-use-bogofilter t)
> in my ~/.xemacs/custom.el.
> When fetching mail this setup does seem to be filtering messages.  My
> issue right now is that when I get a false positive and the message is
> thrown into the spam folder, is there some straight forward way to
> classify it as ham?  I read that when spam is initialized I get one
> command which classifies as spam and one which shows the score.  Is
> there one that classifies a message as ham?

You access group parameters with `G c' - the following instructions
will use that customization screen.  You can also use a global Gnus
parameter if you prefer doing it through Lisp.

Make sure the spam group is known as such to the spam.el package (the
spam-newsgroup-contents group parameter should be set correctly).

Set the exit spam and ham processors for the group to bogofilter.

Set an spam/ham exit processing destination if you want to save the
ham/spam processed articles.

When you enter the group, all unseen messages will be marked as spam.
Mark the ones you want as ham (ham is marked with the ham-mark, which
is a list of possible marks and also customizable; by default they are
gnus-del-mark gnus-read-mark gnus-killed-mark gnus-kill-file-mark
gnus-low-score-mark).  To apply the gnus-del-mark just hit `d' on a

Now, when you exit the group, the articles will be processed by the
spam or ham processor (both bogofilter in this case) and go to the
ham/spam process destination if you set it.


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