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Re: moving mail from mew (MH) into gnus

From: Adam Sjøgren
Subject: Re: moving mail from mew (MH) into gnus
Date: Wed, 09 Feb 2005 12:53:48 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.110003 (No Gnus v0.3) XEmacs/21.4.17 (linux)

On 09 Feb 2005 12:24:36 +0100, Josef wrote:

> I am getting doubtful if gnus is going to give me what I want (as a
> mail reader).

Perhaps it would be of some benefit to research this before switching
to Gnus?

> It seems rather cumbersome to move mails around (nothing as simple
> as pressing a single key for re-filing with automatic target
> suggestion like mew has) - or perhaps I am still not understanding
> Gnus enough.

No, you're right, that's two keys i Gnus: B r - for respooling.

Other related commands are B q to query where it will be moved by a
respool, and B m to move to whereever you want to (prompted).

There's more in the manual:

  Best regards,

 "I gotta go right now; someone is videotaping me in my       Adam Sjøgren

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