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Re: ancient articles

From: Christian Dietrich
Subject: Re: ancient articles
Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2005 17:46:14 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.1007 (Gnus v5.10.7) XEmacs/21.4 (Security Through Obscurity, linux)

Phillip Lord <> writes:

> Quite a few of my emails are marked as ancient (with an A). 

If the 'A' is realy a capital a. 

> Can any one tell me:-
> 1) What is an ancient email?

Where did you read 'ancient'? A Mail which is marked with an A. Is a
answered Message.

> 2) How does this mark happen?
You have post an Followup or you have sent a answer.

> 3) How do I remove it, and just have them expirable like other
>    things. 
Why would you remove it.

All these Things are in the Manual. So RTFM

Die Lust an der Macht hat ihren Ursprung nicht in der Stärke, sondern
in der Schwäche.
                -- Erich Fromm

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