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Re: Gnus is losing IMAP articles

From: Ted Zlatanov
Subject: Re: Gnus is losing IMAP articles
Date: Tue, 05 Jul 2005 16:09:14 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.110004 (No Gnus v0.4) Emacs/21.3.50 (gnu/linux)

On Tue, 05 Jul 2005, wrote:

> I'm connecting to an IMAP server (Courier) on a Linux machine which
> has a couple of folders on it.  For several weeks now Gnus hasn't been
> able to show all messages that are in these folders.  One of them,
> e.g., has about 3,800 articles in it but Gnus shows less than 1,400.
> This doesn't happen with other clients like, cough, Outlook and it
> also doesn't happen with Emacs/Gnus on the server machine.
> The setup for the two Emacs/Gnus combos are quite different, though,
> and I don't really know how to debug this problem.  Any hints (where
> to look at, what to try) would be greatly appreciated.
> [FSF Emacs 22 (CVS from May), Gnus 5.10.6, Windows XP pro]

Do you mean that not all the articles you expect to see show up when
you just enter the group?  You may have caught up with those articles;
Gnus does not show "read" articles by default ("read" is an adjective
here, the language can be confusing).  Hit C-u Enter on the group
instead of just Enter and you should see all the articles in that

Also the articles may have been deleted off the IMAP server for some
reason, but I would assume you are just not seeing read articles.


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