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Re: header error

From: Adam Sjøgren
Subject: Re: header error
Date: Sat, 09 Jul 2005 10:24:10 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.110004 (No Gnus v0.4) XEmacs/21.4.17 (linux)

On Sat, 09 Jul 2005 02:00:46 GMT, Haines wrote:

> I have these two lines in ~/.gnus:

>   (setq user-mail-address "")
>   (setq mail-host-address "")

This last line is definitely 100% WRONG:

,----[ C-h v mail-host-address RET ]
| `mail-host-address' is a variable declared in Lisp.
|   -- loaded from 
| Value: ""
| Documentation:
| *Name of this machine, for purposes of naming users.

When you set this to your email-address instead of - what it says -
the name of the machine, your Message-Id will have two '@'-signs and
therefore be invalid.

Where did you get the idea to set mail-host-address like this?


> As for mail-host-address, it uses (system-name) (but I don't know how
> to display the current value of a variable in emacs).

You can use - tada - C-h v variable-name RET.

You can run a function (like (system-name)) by simply placing your
cursor after the closing paren and pressing C-x C-e.

> I am very uncertain how I should have defined /etc/mailname, but here
> I've changed it to "", but it didn't help. I'm
> also very uncertain as to how to define /etc/hostname, and I used the
> value "". Some places I read seemed to say I
> should use the FQDN, rather than local hostname ("teufel"). I've asked
> around on both of these issues, but never got a reply. I'd love to
> hear some wise advice here.

This is all not that relevant to Gnus (how you configure your box),
but setting user-mail-address should bypass this anyway, I would

> In any case, I don't see that it would cause the header From: line
> to be missing entirely.

No, that is a little strange. Doesn't happen here.

If I were you, I'd either locate the line in my configuration that
makes the From:-line stop appearing (by commenting out lines), or use
edebug to walk through the relevant function to see why it doesn't

  Best regards,

 "Ge mig en vinterdrog, ge mig allt du har                    Adam Sjøgren
  Kom nu jag är kroniskt låg, bara mörkret hörs"

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