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group-line-format not properly reading imap

From: Lance Hoffmeyer
Subject: group-line-format not properly reading imap
Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2005 14:46:26 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.110004 (No Gnus v0.4) XEmacs/21.4.17 (linux)

Some some reason my read mail variable is showing way too many
messages.  There are a total of 9 messages in my Cyrus INBOX.
I have checked both /o from gnus and went directly to the 
cyrus INBOX folder itself.  I am not really sure where this
number is coming from or, more specifically, how to correct
this error so that the proper number of messages show up?

Any ideas?

Here is my group-line format:

(setq gnus-group-line-format   "%3S %5R %3{%5y%}%1[:%] %g\n")

  [ **Lance's Inbox** -- 29 ]
      764     0*:* nnimap+INBOX
  U     2    28*:* nnmbox+local:mail.misc
        1     0*:* nnimap+:INBOX.Spam
      414     1*:* nnimap+:INBOX.Sent
      112     0*:* nnimap+:INBOX.Junk


                                Lance Hoffmeyer

  It gives me great pleasure indeed to see the stubbornness of an incorrigible
                        nonconformist warmly acclaimed.
                                Albert Einstein

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