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Re: Message followup

From: Malte Spiess
Subject: Re: Message followup
Date: Wed, 07 Jun 2006 14:49:02 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.110004 (No Gnus v0.4) Emacs/21.4 (gnu/linux)

Barbara Koenig <> writes:

> Malte Spiess <> writes:
>>> However when I reply to mails sent to my new address, the address is
>>> always included in the list of recipients. But when I reply to mails
>>> sent to my old address, the address is not included (as it was
>>> originally).
>> I can't tell you that unless you tell us what function you use to reply.
>> There are various that can be used, probably you only need to find the
>> one that does what you want.
>> On my (standard) Gnus in Debian, the keys bound to those "reply"-functions
>> are r, R, f, F, ..., also found in the menu.
> O.K., sorry. I am using gnus-summary-followup (f) and
> gnups-summary-followup-with-original (F).
> And - as I said - both remove my old address and keep my new (in the
> CC header). And I have no idea what governs this behaviour.

And you want... ?

I guess this may be a problem with the gnus-posting-styles or something
like that - there are lots of alternatives for changing the addresses in
the fields.

Maybe if you post the parts with the mail-adresses of your .gnus that
may help.

> Barbara


P. S.: You might also consider using (for future
       questions), if you like a "native speaking" ng. ;-)

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