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Re: how to obtain green background for some text?

From: Gernot Hassenpflug
Subject: Re: how to obtain green background for some text?
Date: Sun, 22 Jul 2007 01:22:56 +0900
User-agent: Gnus/5.110006 (No Gnus v0.6) Emacs/22.0.95 (gnu/linux)

Tom Rauchenwald <> writes:

> Gernot Hassenpflug <> writes:
>> Hello,
>> I have used boxquote.el a lot for marking cited text, but am searching
>> for a manner in which to mark text, particularly code, in my posting
>> with a green background. Searches for "background color",
>> "highlighting", and similar did not lead to any useful links for me
>> either for this newsgroup or the comp.text.tex group. I am hoping
>> someone here knows how to do this in gnus. I have also tried emacs's
>> text properties from the edit menu, but none of the font
>> foreground/background options are available in editing articles for
>> newsgroups.
> I don't quite understand. You can't tell in a usenet-message how
> another client should render your code (unless you use html, but that
> is evil). Do you mean something like the #v+ and #v- marks? If I
> recall correctly, No Gnus supports them, like

Yes, that more or less it. Seems something like that, since whatever
it is you did made me see the line with "code" in green text on a sort
of beige background. I have no idea what you call that: are those #v
things escape sequences? I don't even know what I should be searching
for... when I look at the "raw" article in gnus, or reply, there is
nothing different visible anymore.

I did not know that you canot tell another client these things. For
instance, we have *text* which some readers will interpret as bold
text, or underlined, or something. I haven't seen any documentation in
gnus on that, but assumed it was standard rendering for newsreaders
that can do that (like showing smileys in graphics if they have the

> code...
> But not many clients support this (afaik slrn does).

I see, I am indeed using No Gnus v0.6.

Gernot Hassenpflug

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