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Re: problems with the news-reply-hook and the message-setup-hook

From: Uwe Brauer
Subject: Re: problems with the news-reply-hook and the message-setup-hook
Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2007 15:23:29 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.110006 (No Gnus v0.6) XEmacs/21.4.19 (linux)

>>>>> "Reiner" == Reiner Steib <> writes:

   > In No Gnus, there is `message-cite-reply-above', but it's doc string
   > says "This variable has no effect in news postings."

Well I am using no gnus 0.6 and can't find this variable so it must be

   >> and one has almost to apologise for using *bottom posting* or
   >> *inline replying*.

   >> Now that function I have defined interactively and in this way I can
   >> call it, however I would find it more convenient to have it in a
   >> hook, so that I don't have to call the function explicitly however I
   >> put it in the news-reply-hook

   > There's no such hook in Gnus, AFAICS.

   >> and in the message-setup-hook without any result. Can anybody give
   >> me an idea?

   > Maybe setting `message-citation-line-format' (new in No Gnus,
   > cf. `message-insert-formatted-citation-line') specially for these
   > groups?

The problem is that starts with a 
>>>> or something similar, 
besides it  is not flexible enough and it is not connected to
bbdb. The idea I had was that such a string is configured according
to a relevant entry in the bbdb.

   > When using `message-setup-hook' you need to make sure to jump to the
   > right position in the message buffer: `message-goto-body', ...

I have the feeling that it there is a conflict with supercite, like
supercite inserts its stuff first and then my bbdbcite command is not


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