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Re: html message is not dislayed

From: Uwe Brauer
Subject: Re: html message is not dislayed
Date: Sun, 27 Jan 2008 11:16:13 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.110006 (No Gnus v0.6) XEmacs/21.4.19 (linux)

>>>>> "Reiner" == Reiner Steib <> writes:

   > Here's what I did and got:

Thanks for your detailed answer.
   > - C-d (`gnus-summary-enter-digest-group') parses your message fine,
   >   and I get:

   >   | Uwe Brauer            <* mixed> Re: html message is not dislayed
   >   | Uwe Brauer            <1.* signed>
   >   | Uwe Brauer            <1.1.* mixed>


That is how I would like to see it
   > - On "<1.1.2.* alternative> [[postsubject]] (3)" I hit `g' and get
   >   (Because I have configure Gnus to prefer and display text/plain, but
   >   add buttons to choose the text/html alternative):

How do you do this, that is the way I would prefer to have things.

My lines are 
(eval-after-load "mm-decode"
      (add-to-list 'mm-discouraged-alternatives "text/html")
      (add-to-list 'mm-discouraged-alternatives "text/richtext")))

   > So you screen shot (gnus-campus.png) in
   > <">> suggests that you have configured
   > Gnus to prefer the text/plain part over text/html.  See (info
   > "(emacs-mime)Display Customization") for relevant options.

That documentation is huge and for me it is not easy to find out the
necessary parameters, could you just tell me your configuration?



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