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Re: failure to attach file

From: Reiner Steib
Subject: Re: failure to attach file
Date: Thu, 22 May 2008 12:54:14 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.110011 (No Gnus v0.11) Emacs/22.2.50 (gnu/linux)

On Thu, May 22 2008, Sebastian P. Luque wrote:

> It seems as if the string produced after `C-c C-a' (mml-attach-file) is
> not correct.  Attempting to actually send an attachment (an empty file
> as text/plain: ~/tmp/mml-bug) results in the trace:

Please give us a complete recipe.  When I do...
  C-c C-a ~/tmp/mml-bug RET RET RET RET
I get:

<#part type="application/octet-stream" filename="~/tmp/mml-bug" 

Please show us the MML markup in the message buffer before sending.
Use `mml-quote-region' to send the uninterpreted MML markup!

> Debugger entered--Lisp error: (file-error "Opening input file" "no such file 
> or directory" "/home/sluque/#(\"~/tmp/mml-bug\" 0 13 (auto-composed t))")
>   insert-file-contents("#(\"~/tmp/mml-bug\" 0 13 (auto-composed t))" nil nil 
> nil nil)
>   mm-insert-file-contents("#(\"~/tmp/mml-bug\" 0 13 (auto-composed t))" nil 
> nil nil nil t)

When I add `(debug)' in mm-insert-file-contents an `[C-u] M-x
mml-preview RET', I get a plain...
... where your backtrace shows...
  "#(\"~/tmp/mml-bug\" 0 13 (auto-composed t))".

| Debugger entered: nil
|   [...]
|   mm-insert-file-contents("~/tmp/mml-bug" nil nil nil nil t)
|   mml-compute-boundary-1((part (type . "text/plain") (filename
|     . "~/tmp/mml-bug") (disposition . "attachment") (tag-location
|     . 173) (contents . "")))
|   mapc(mml-compute-boundary-1 ((part (type . "text/plain") (filename
|     . "~/tmp/mml-bug") (disposition . "attachment") (tag-location
|     . 173) (contents . "")) (part (type . "text/plain") (contents
|     . "\nmm-insert-file-contents\n\n\n-- \nfoo bar from
|     ~/.signature\n"))))
|   mml-compute-boundary-1((multipart (type . "mixed") (part (type
|     . "text/plain") (filename . "~/tmp/mml-bug") (disposition
|     . "attachment") (tag-location . 173) (contents . "")) (part (type
|     . "text/plain") (contents . "\nmm-insert-file-contents\n\n\n--
|     \nfoo bar from ~/.signature\n"))))
|   mml-compute-boundary((multipart (type . "mixed") (part (type
|     . "text/plain") (filename . "~/tmp/mml-bug") (disposition
|     . "attachment") (tag-location . 173) (contents . "")) (part (type
|     . "text/plain") (contents . "\nmm-insert-file-contents\n\n\n--
|     \nfoo bar from ~/.signature\n"))))
|   mml-generate-mime-1((multipart (type . "mixed") (part (type
|     . "text/plain") (filename . "~/tmp/mml-bug") (disposition
|     . "attachment") (tag-location . 173) (contents . "")) (part (type
|     . "text/plain") (contents . "\nmm-insert-file-contents\n\n\n--
|     \nfoo bar from ~/.signature\n"))))
|   mml-generate-mime()
|   message-encode-message-body()
|   mml-to-mime()
|   mml-preview(nil)
|   call-interactively(mml-preview nil nil)

> This happens in:
> GNU Emacs (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version
> 2.12.9) of 2008-05-10 on elegiac, modified by Debian
> GNUS 5.13

I cannot reproduce this with " GNU Emacs (i686-pc-linux-gnu,
GTK+ Version 2.10.6) of 2008-05-22".  Maybe a transient problem in
Emacs CVS?

In the future, please report problems with CVS versions to the
development list(s), (Gnus) or
(Emacs), not tot gnu.emacs.gnus.

Bye, Reiner.
      (o o)
---ooO-(_)-Ooo---  |  PGP key available  |

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