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Re: Old Problem: Pop3/ssl/gmail solved?

From: Memnon Anon
Subject: Re: Old Problem: Pop3/ssl/gmail solved?
Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2008 14:01:12 -0700 (PDT)
User-agent: G2/1.0

On 22 Jun., 17:53, Robert Epprecht <> wrote:
> Well it is not imap, but another solution you might not want:
> You can always use fetchmail to fetch your mail from google, and then
> read it with gnus. Of course you have to activate pop through googles
> web interface first.
> I use the following .fetchmailrc

Okay, I was just basically interested whether this problem was solved
or not.
I switched to fetchmail. It works! ;)
I use this setup (found on the web):

(setq mail-sources
 `((file :path "/var/spool/mail/username")
   (pop :server ""
        :user "username"
        :password "password"
        :program "fetchmail -v --all");; -m '/usr/bin/formail -b>>/var/spool/

I need no chronjob or fetchmails daemon, but can fetch all my accounts
(in my .fetchmailrc, gmail is just one of it)
as usuall pressing g. The data provided (:user :password :server) are
set, but not used at all.

So, basic problem not solved, but workaround works. Great!
Thanks for your suggestion!

(Damn google-groups won't let me change headline to [solved])

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