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Re: Getting started reading mail stored in local maildir

From: Andrzej Adam Filip
Subject: Re: Getting started reading mail stored in local maildir
Date: Sat, 14 Feb 2009 11:03:27 +0100

Andrzej Adam Filip <> wrote:

> Teemu Likonen <> wrote:
>> On 2009-02-08 23:25 (UTC), Dan Davison wrote:
>>> I want to try out gnus, but have got nowhere so far. I would greatly
>>> appreciate instruction on how to read mail stored locally in maildirs.
>>> When I start gnus I enter a (Group Plugged) buffer which is empty 
>>> with the message "No more unread newsgroups". When I hit "L" I see
>>>        0: nndraft:queue 
>>>        0: nndraft:drafts 
>> I'm not sure but I'd probably try "F" (Find new newsgroups) in *Group*
>> buffer.
> No luck on my PC.
> [ I also would like to make gnus list maildir+ folders ]

The hint:
My ~/Maildir directory is "managed" by dovecot pop/imap.
Dovecot uses names starting with dot for "sub folder directories".
[e.g. sub folder/sub maildir "Sent" is kept in ~/Maildir/.Sent directory]
Gnus "refuses to see" sub directories starting with dot.

When I created soft link ~/Maildir/Sent -> ~/Maildir/.Sent gnus could
see "Sent" folder (nnmaildir:Sent) but could not access messages stored
in the "sub maildir".

[pl>en Andrew] Andrzej Adam Filip : :
There is a multi-legged creature crawling on your shoulder.
  -- Spock, "A Taste of Armageddon", stardate 3193.9

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